January 17, 2014

Hello 2014

Hello Beauties!
Due to the holidays and a busy start to 2014, I haven't been able to sit down and enjoy reading any blogs let alone manage my own! I've really missed the blogging world!
Thankfully life is calming down a bit now that we are 17 days into the new year and I'm ready to start blogging again!

So what's new for the Adams in 2014!!

- My daycare is officially up and running! In addition to Ruby (6 months), I added two siblings! Kinsley (12 weeks) and Carter (3). I'm absolutely adoring EVERY minute of it! Kal and Carter are the best of friends and play so well together. And little miss Kins..... She makes this mama ready for baby #3 ;)  We have so much fun playing and learning! This week we are learning "All About Me" We have a schedule that we follow daily and every week is a new theme:)
Thanks to facebook, I have had another 3 families reach out to me who are looking for care as well! All though I sadly can not take all of them, it is nice to know that the demand is there and that I have love and support from friends and family around me!
- Itty Bitty Diva is doing good! I just learned how to make bottle caps and am really enjoying it! Next stop on the bow making train is an etsy shop! I can't wait for it to be finished! Until then you can see all my bows on IG at #ittybittydiva or on facebook at Itty Bitty Diva
- Im determined to make an awesome year with lia sophia! I just got back from rally and saw the sneak peek of the new line! Absolutely gorgeous!! I can't wait for it to debut in the end of Jan!

DayCare Friends 

**Brynn (18 Months)**
- Is talking. Not full English, but it is absolutely adorable when she tries to say words! Her new word is BOW!!! and she points to her head ;) Mama's girl!!!!
- Her new favorite game is to pull out her clothes from her dresser and bring me what she wants to change into. Seriously? Diva! Who needs an outfit change at 1!
- She is also into shoes! Doesn't matter what kind or whose it is! She has to have something on her feet!
- I may be thinking about potty training ;)

- Enjoyed his winter break!!! He wasn't ready to go back to school! It was even extended another 2 days because of EXTREME WI weather!! WE had two days in the -50's!!
- New favorite movie is Disney's FROZEN! We saw it in the theater 3 times!!!!! and now, I'm so excited to find out that you can watch the full version online! I guess that will have to hold us over until it comes out in the theater!

- Same ol' Same ol! He works nights, works out at the gym in the early am, comes home to shower and sleep and repeats it all the next day!! He's a hard working dada who provides for his family! I do love that I get to spend time with him in the afternoons before I have to go to work (I'm still working Mon, Tues, & Weds nights at the pool) and of course our weekends are our family time :)

2014 is off to a great start and we are very much looking ahead to this next year!

Hope you and yours are enjoying the new year too!

X's & O's

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