August 29, 2013

Enjoying the last of summer!

Immm Back.... Hard to believe that it has been nearly a week since Ive written a post! The weekend flew by!

Friday (8/23) I treated myself to a NEW Ipad after work! So excited, love it! and I love that I don't have to share. (Sometimes it's just nice to have your own things)

Saturday (8/24) Was sign up day for league bowling at our local ally! This will be Kals first year as a USBC Member on a team, I'm so excited for him! Both the hubby and I bowl on leagues. And all our parents have/had bowl! You can say it's in the blood! After bowling we enjoyed a yummy buffet lunch, and a family party in the evening!

1&2 - Kal practicing his swing
3 - Sissy the cheerleader
4 - Kal with my MIL by his score

Sunday (8/25) Was spent cleaning and making shirts with the MIL for the Color Me Rad race that is on Saturday (whoop whoop)
Needless to say the weekend flew by, as they all do!
Thankfully this week the swim school is closed so I'm enjoying quality time with my littles before the school year starts and our hectic life becomes,well...hectic!

Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday we went out to spend some quality time with meme! When school starts our time with meme will be few and far between since Kal will have school during the week, and most of our weekends are full with life! Of course we will still see her (& pepa) but not like we have been on a regular basis! Makes me sad, I wish my mom still lived down the street.

And today started our time with Baby Ruby! My Bff Waley has returned back to work and I was honored to be asked to watch little R! I'm looking forward to being able to enjoy more time at home with Brynn and baby Ruby, and being able to get my Kal on the bus for school everyday! I will still work at the swim school but have gone down to pm hours there (except for my Wednesday, that's still my 12 hour day)

We also met Kals teacher, and assistant today! As much as I enjoy seeing him excited and ready for 4K, inside... My mama heart is breaking. Where did my little baby go? It was very surreal to think that Kal will be going to the same elementary school that the hubby and I did attended! It was weird to see him run around on the same playground that I once ran around on as a little girl! To think of life then, now, and how Ive gotten here! Weird to see how life can come full circle and how blessed I truly am for 2 beautiful kids and a hubby that loves me!

What have you been up to this last week of summer?

X's & O's


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