April 16, 2013

Fresh look & What's New

Well Hello Bloggy World!!!

Im Back... and with a whole NEW look! Don't you LOVE it?!?!

Thank you so much to Natalie over at Saolsona for the awesome look! Completely fell in love with her work at  2317 Studio! She has beautiful layouts, headers, buttons, and basically everything for your bloggy needs! Her service was fast and her customer service was awesome! A true friend! Someone I know that I will continue to work with in the future!

So whats NEW in our world! Hard to believe that my last blog post was in the end of Feburary! Days and weeks sure go by fast when your youngest is sick for a month, yeah... i said that, a month! Little Miss B had 2. yes, 2 :( Ear Infections in a 3 week time span! I swear she spent the whole month awake! She didn't sleep through the night. Waking up every 45 mins - an hour! Her naps were 30 minutes tops during the day and every 4-5 hours! Definately not herself. Plus she had a nasty cold that made it hard for her to breathe! She spent several weeks sitting next to the humidifier! Finally Baby B is back to herself except for that damn lingering running nose! But Brynnie wasn't the only one sick, Kal, the hubs and I all came down with a nasty virus. The hubby and I also had some nasty sore throat to top it all off! To the point of even swallowing saliva was painful! Thankfully with alot of sleep, meds, help of family (to take the littles) and cleaning the house to rid the germs we are all back on our feet and healthy! Just in plenty of time for the great weather (Spring is finally showing here in WI)
Besides being sick we've been pretty busy! Little Miss B has learned to crawl! It's so fun to watch her! Kalen was what we called a "boot scooter" he looked like a monkey scooting his feet into his butt! It was adorable! and although it would have been fun to see Brynnie be a "boot scooter" (just to say that all my kids boot scooted (hehe) It is so fun to watch her crawl around! She is so stinkin' fast! It's time to re-baby proof! She definetly keeps us on our toes! Kal is quickly learning that he has to put his toys up if he doesnt want sissy in them!
Not only does Baby B now crawl, she pulls up (on EVERYTHING) and walks with your finger! Before I know it she's going to be walking unassisted! Hard to believe that my baby girl is 10 months old this friday! Where or where has a the time gone!

My Kal (who has special needs) has now been in Special Education classes thru the school district! Within the last month, month and a half. His langugae has truly blown us out of the water! It is incredible to hear him say words and piece sentences together! He has a whole new attidude because he is able to express himself! It's so great to see everything fall into place! It was brought to our attention from his speech teacher that Kal has problems hearing! (He has also had 5 ear infections (3 since January)) So they have recommended tubes! Sadly little man has surgery tomorrow (Wednesday) Hopefully the tubes will allow for the Fluid to drain so that his hearing can become clear and his ear infections will leave! Im nervous and excited. Did I say NERVOUS! I know it's just tubes, but it's his first surgery. Thank goodness that the hubby will be there to keep me calm!

We enjoyed relaxing around the house on Spring Break! It was fun and low key! Over break Brynnie had her first sleep over with her BFFFFFFFFFFFF ;) of course I had to get the girls matching Jammies (they already have matching owl blanky's)! Aubrie just turned one (4 months older then Brynnie)

We also helped my cousin Janelle and her hubby Rob move into, and clean their first home! It was so fun to watch them become home owners! Makes me remember when we moved in, and all the stuff I want to do to our place! Oh the joys of a never ending bucket list for home-fixer-upers!

First dinner in her new house!
We enjoyed our first Easter as a family of four this year! So fun! On Saturday the local greenhouse put on an egg hunt, so we enjoyed that! Sunday, Kal had a great time finding the eggs, and both his and sissys baskets! (Of course sissy fell asleep during the hunt) We then enjoyed the day over at Alan's moms house with her family! (she has 9 brothers and sisters) After the family left, Kalen got to spend the night with his Cousin Jon! Jon is 5.5! Sadly he lives an hour away so we dont get to see him as much as we would like!
Egg hunt at the GreenHouse!

Kals Basket, Angry pigs, Angry Birds coloring book. Wreck It Ralph book,  Bunny cup,  Avengers blanky, Rise of the Guardians!

Brynn's Basket! Bow basket! Elephant popper, rainstick ball, minnie books, nuks, rubber duck, puffs

Kal wrapped up in his superheros blanky

Mommy and Baby matching bows ;)

Brynn, Jon, Kal

That Monday, April Fool's day was my Hubby's birthday! We went back over to his moms for a birthday dinner, cake, and presents! Jon was still there (he spent a few days over there because he was on spring break) My present was the best of all! I gave the hubs 3 gifts! The first one was from "Kalen and I" It was angry bird jammies! so that him and Kal could match! The second gift was a huge bag full of Brand New Clothes! (My hubby has lost 75 pounds and none of his clothes fit him, so it was time to reward him for his weight loss) This gift was from "Brynn and I". Then I handed him a card and told him this one was from "someone else and I" he laughed and said who your mom. He opened up the card to find a baby giftcard that read "To dada, From Baby #3! See you in Nov 2013! That's right! Preggos again! NOT! it was a Aprils Fools joke! and Man did I get him and his mom good! I probably had them going for at least 5 minutes before I couldn't take it anymore! Im not one to play April Fools jokes, but when I walked in to buy the gift card, all they had were baby ones left! That's when it all came to me! needless to say! It was truly a priceless moment, and again Im not preggers ;)

On April 2nd we celebrated Autism Awareness Month, by all wearing blue! That evening we went to to our local mall to build an autism awareness bear and enjoyed dinn at the food court and played at the playland! A fun night indeed :)

I also got a mommy night out in there! Enjoyed opening weekend at Miller Park cheering on the Milwaukee Brewers with my cousin Danelle! She turned the big 3-0 on Easter! Once the game was done, we headed back home to enjoy a night out with the hubby and his friends to celebrate both his and Danelle's birthday's!!

We also got to spend some time out at my mom's house last thursday (April 11th) Every year we get together as a family on this day to celebrate life and being alive! This year marks the 6th year anniversary from my fathers and my deadly car accident!! LONG story very short,  we had a random snow storm here in WI! I was on lunch break at work and had went home to let out my new puppy. On the way home, I hit black ice and slid into the ditch! Being a little girl (18 years old) I called my daddy to come help me out! Needless to say he was unable to help me push my car, so we called for a tow! As we waited for the tow truck to come,  A driver in a Yukon had decided that he could take the storm and came speeding down the road. Before we knew it we were underneath the car. He had ran us over! We were trapped underneath his car for nearly an hour! Paramedics thought we were dead, and were surprised to find us alive once they had lifted the car off of us! My dad spent a month in the hospital, I spent 6 weeks! We both have serious injuries. Mine are 4th degree burns (I was laying under the muffler, which burnt all my skin off) and My dad has bone damage. He tried to give me one last push out of the way and took the grill of the car right to his chest! But no matter what damage has been done, We are BOTH alive! Thankful for life, and appreciative of every breath! (Here's my FB Status from last thursday!
April 11th 2007: 
The day that has forever changed my life! Due to a random April snowstorm and a driver who thought he could take the snow, my dad and I both almost lost our lives! We were trapped, underneath his car, he had ran us over! In and out of consciousness for nearly an hour! Praying, crying, holding hands, frozen as the fear of death set in!
My dad kept me alive under that car,
Paramedics kept me alive to the hospital, nurses and doctors worked miracles and family and friends pulled us through! THANK YOU! To anyone who helped in healing us! Visitors, phone calls, cards, taking care of my mom and sisters! Without each one of you, we wouldn't be where we are today!
6 years later... I'm a mommy to two littles, married to my best friend, and closer then ever with my family! Im thankful for a second chance at life!
I love harder, forgive easier, laugh longer, and live simply! Life is to precious! Dance in the rain, splash in the puddles, act crazy, laugh, love, and do everything whole heartily! Life is not to be taken for granted! Because at Any Minute it can be gone!

My Dad and I during our hospital stay! He is my Hero! 
With that said, My heart breaks to the people who lost their lives, injured or impacted by the bombings in Boston! Its absolutely sick that people can't take part in a a run anymore, can't go to a movie without being shot, can't shop in a mall without being shot. Can't go to school without being shot. I mean whats safe anymore? Life is so valuable, and its tragic that people have to live in fear because of other peoples actions!

Well I think thats all thats really new here, throw in weekly swim lessons, front desk shifts, water instructor shifts, lia sophia meetings and party's and before you know it's been 53 days since you've blogged!! Whew!

Now off to bed, morning will come early for Kal's surgery! In the meantime.. hug someone, tell someone you love them, and smile! Life is a gift!

X's & O's,


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