Whoop Whoop Today is my FIRST TIME! Linking up with Lauren for High Five Friday!!
Can I just say I ABSOLUTELY LOVE the idea of high five Friday!
Five awesome things that happened this week! How can I only pick five!
So here it is.... Our High Five!
1) This week we experienced the circus for the first time all together as a family! Sadly we left brynnie at home with grandma and grandpa but we made sure to bring her a fun light home!
For being a traveling circus I was kind of disappointed by all the mistakes that were made! and of course all the over priced things! Cotton candy $5! Really? for air and sugar? $15 for a light up toy! $25 for some snacky confession foods! YIKES! good thing it only comes once a year ;)
2) My sister's (18th) and Mom's (52nd) birthday! They were born both a day apart (feb 18th and 19th) So Monday we celebrated their birthdays! The six of us (Mom, sisters, grandma, brynnie and I) got together for an afternoon of crafting, lunch and movies! That night when all the boys finished work we grabbed dinner! We ate at Texas Roadhouse! We made sure they both rode the saddle and embarrassed them a good one ;)
3) Our little Brynnie turned 8 months old on tuesday! See my letter to her here!
I know I say this all the time, but seriously WHERE has the time gone?
4) We had Brynn's Bfffff over on Wednesday for a playdate! Aubrie will be one next week!
5) Last night I scored my first ever game of 203! I have NEVER scored over a 200! My average is 122! Pretty proud of it ;) Had to even take a picture AND get a print out to prove to my hubby and FIL who both weren't there!
So there it is! Our high fives of the week! This weekend is bound to be fun!! Watch for a post later this weekend or a Weekend Recap on Monday!
What exciting things are you guys up to this weekend?
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