May 28, 2013

Memorial Day Weekend


How was every one's Memorial Weekend! Minus the weather (cool/rainy in the high 50's) our weekend was great! Just wish we could have been outside more! Here's our weekend in a flash!


Brynnie and I enjoyed some breakfast on the couch! She sure thought she was something sitting like a big girl with some cereal like mama!

After Breakfast we headed down the road to the garden's! We meet my cousin Danelle and her nanny child, CeeCee! She is the cutest! She just turned 2! and Brynnie and I are two of her favorite people ;) She loves "baby Brynn" and when I got out out of the car she hollered "Jennnnny" Priceless! 

CeeCee asked me to stop several times so she could give "Baby Brynn Kisses" Seriously HeartMelting! 

Funny story: We awkwardly watched a man lose his boat! Apparently he did not tie it to the dock well enough, needless to say by the time he noticed it, his boat was a good 10ft away from him! and Running nonetheless! Interesting enough he was able to fish his boat back in! I can't believe his line didn't snap right back at him!

I love the gardens at this time of the year! So beautiful & peaceful! Sadly we weren't able to stay long because we had to get back to get Kal off the bus!

After Kal got off the bus we headed to the grocery store! Simply put, I HATE grocery shopping with 2 kids! dread it! Kal thinks it's funny to run away and I'm forced to either leave Brynn in the cart or chase him down with the cart! UGH! 
(Check out my cute new miche bag) Coral! Love it, such a hot color this season! 

We then visited my Nana & papa! I made taco's (nannies request), chatted with my grandparents (who I'm blessed live 7 mins away) and the kids played! (quite nicely actually) I was shocked! 

Sadly my Nannie did have a terrible accident this holiday weekend! They have a nasty set of stairs (carpeted thank god) but steep and old! She went up to nap on Sunday and when she got to the top felt dizzy and fell down the stairs (about 30 stairs), knocking herself unconscious. When my grandpa found her (who is handicapped with a cane and bad balance(unable to pick her up)) He found my uncle (who was thankfully doing housework there) and had him help Nana up! Once she stood back up she quickly fell down again unconscious! She was then rushed to the hospital, pumped with fluids (they said she was dehydrated from her kidneys) and sent her on her way! Thankfully no broken bones, and besides being sore, she is in good spirits! 
I think its time that we move their bedroom downstairs! I seriously hate that they are getting old! I'm so close with my grandparents! I see them weekly, and the thought of not having them in mine and my kiddos life! UGH! I can't imagine life without my Nannie and Papa! 

After a few hours of visiting I quickly ran home to pack and headed out to mom's house on for the weekend! 

It sure wasn't "camping", but with how cold it was...I'm glad we weren't out camping! 

Saturday: We helped my mom "clean" her basement! Realistically the kids and I played and my mom did all the work!! Opps! Really though wouldn't have been much help! Not with the littles there at least!

Kal & Brynn both had a blast in the "Ball Pit" Thank you pinterest for such an awesome idea!!
Kal loved it when meme dumped the balls on him! We would ask "Kal where are you" the whole time he snickered from underneath and then popped out and "roaaaared" at us ;)

Sunday: We headed home from mema's early! I dropped the kiddos off at Grandma and Grandpa's (Alan's mom and step dad) and headed to my house to wait for Danelle and get ready for the Brewer Game!

Great Seats! and they had the roof open! It was a perfect day for a game!

Because we don't know how to grill, nor had time for it! We decided we would tailgate with Subway!! Sounds awesome to me! And we went on Ryan Braun Bobblehead day! Wahooo!

It was a good game! Sadly we did lose! 4 - 5! We would have had an interesting game if the two almost home-runs went where they were suppose to, instead of following just a wee-bit short!

Danelle and I did make TV though ;) a whole 20 seconds!! We're Famous! 

There we are! Right in the middle! 
Lucky for Danelle she got to sit next to the overbearing, not sharing cup holder "KFC Colonel" 
To bad he didn't bring chicken!

Sunday night was a night with my family! Sadly Alan didn't feel well and had to work at 5am so it was left to the kiddos and I! We spent the night cuddling and watching We're Back! A dinosaur movie! So fun to watch a movie with Kal that I watched when I was little!

Monday! Happy Memorial Day! Kids slept in until 930am! I guess that's what rainy days will do to you! Sadly because it was rainy we chose to opt out of the parade! No need to get sick before our vaca this weekend! Ohh didn't I tell you... The hubby planned us a 2 night stay to Key Lime Cove!
We are taking the littles for their upcoming birthday! I can't wait! We have never been here, and this is our first vaca as a family of four!! Friday can't come soon enough! 

newho back onto Monday! 

the littles of course were so excited to start their morning with a photo op! lameos! One day I'll get nice photos! Maybe when they're 20?

We decided that we were going to take advantage of the sales going on! and of course grab some lunch... Kal wanted "fench fie, and chalk melk"....he did eat a cheeseburger too ;)

Half way there we see that Kalen decided he was going to rip his pants open! So we turned around to change him! ugh boys! Good thing we were going to find him some new clothes! 

Brynnie ended up getting her ears pierced! I wish I would have done it sooner! She sat really well for it though! Kal of course thought he was going to get his ears pierced! By the second piercing she was so mad she didn't even want her bottle! I felt so bad! I did come home and give her some Tylenol, but she was a happy baby by the time we got to the parking lot! 

I of course choose ladybugs for her ears! I love them! So sweet! She loved her bag ;) I was very impressed by the place that we ended up choosing called Piercing Pagoda! They were $13 cheaper then Claires, had more options to choose from, had rounded backs so they don't poke into her when she sleeps, plus they gave her a ear piercing certificate for her baby book! AND $25 to spend on jewelry!! I love GREAT DEALS! Plus they were more sanitary... wore gloves, kept everything in the package until it went into the earring gun! I highly recommend them! 

After the mall, we headed home for a late nap time, some more cuddles on the couch and yummy tacos for dinner!!! I would say we had a fantastic kick off weekend to summer! 

Thank you to all the veterans who have served and are serving to keep our Freedom FREE! 
And to all the fallen soldiers! May you know that you will never be forgotten! 

X's & O's


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